BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20231207T074555Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201001T010000ZZ SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201102T040000ZZ LOCATION:Old World Biergarten SUMMARY:Old World Oktoberfest Table Reservations DESCRIPTION: \nJOIN US AT OLD WORLD BIERGARTEN IN HUNTINGTON BEACH - AS WE CELEBRATE OUR 43RD ANNUAL OKTOBERFEST 'COVID-STYLE' IN 2020! \nThis year’s OKTOBERFEST has been modified to a new casual drinking and dining experience in our 10,000+ sq. ft. spacious outdoor patio & Biergarten. Come enjoy the sounds of OKTOBERFEST with German Music, Food, and of course Imported Beer. OKTOBERFEST is different this year due to the Pandemic, please note masks will be required upon entry and at all times when not seated at your designated area. \nThe purchase of your table reservation includes the OKTOBERFEST entry fee. A host will escort you and your guests to your bench/dining area, and waitstaff will come to serve your food and drinks. \nComing on a Wednesday, Thursday evening or a Sunday, you can simply come here (NO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED) 1st come 1st serve basis. \nReservations are mandatory Friday & Saturdays are as follows: \n \nTable for up to 4 guests = $25 \nTable for up to 10 guests = $50 \nTable for up to 12 guests = $75 \nTable for up to 18 guests = $100 \n \nOKTOBERFEST 2020 is a family-friendly environment. If guests are under the age of 21, they must be accompanied by adult supervision under the same table reservation. \n \n#OKTOBERFESTHB END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR